Signature  Signature
 Signature  Signature


Signature Gaming is a Thai Esports organization. Founded by g0hk. The organization had notable presence in Shooters & MMOs. Including FIFA, Special Force, Soldier Front 2, PUBG and Point Blank.


Backed by the Biggest Names in Gaming and Esports

DXRacer Craft Series Reviews

"Working with DXRacer, a pioneer in the gaming chair space, to provide Immortals-branded chairs to our players and influencers underscores our commitment to creating a first class experience for our talent," said Brett McGrew, Immortals' VP, Partnerships & Activation. "We're excited to be enhancing our performance with DXRacer."

DXRacer Craft Series Reviews

''DXRacer sacrifices nothing in the name of customization and aesthetics and delivers a truly premium and luxury product - every aspect of the chair screams quality workmanship.''